As mentioned in Mullaly, "Liberalism comes from the Latin word 'liber', meaning free" (Mullaly 2007, pg. 4). Liberalism believes in freedom and equal opportunity for every individual, this including people with physical disabilities. Liberalism "comprises a set of beliefs based on the assumption that there should be as much individual freedom as possible in any civilized society while allowing for essential constraints (Roberts, 1971)" (Mullaly 2007, pg. 91). This just goes to show that Liberals want to help the society for the better, and make lives easier. This is definitely a great advantage for the people with disabilities. I believe they need the fight for the right and respect that they deserve in order to get their voices out to the people who have discriminated and stereotyped them. People with disabilities have the same rights as any other individual and are no different that any other.
In this article it explains that liberals are addressing poverty and disability by providing a "refundable disability tax credit for low income Canadians", "In Canada disability often means a life of poverty and that living in poverty often leads to a greater incidence of disability" (CCD, Disability in Canada Means Living In Poverty, Sept. 15, 2008). This just goes to show that the Liberals are here to help the people with disabilities and try to make a change in order to end the suffering of more disability and poverty within people with disabilities. Liberals "redistribute income and some goods and services through the tax system and/or social welfare system" (Mullaly 2007, pg. 96). This article is a great example that shows the liberal perspective on how they would help the people with disabilities and mentions that "welfare must be replaced with a much better program" (CCD, Disability in Canada Means Living In Poverty, Sept. 15, 2008). After reading this article about poverty in people with disabilities, it explains to me more about what the Liberals are really aiming for and how their perspective for assistance is most encouraged. People with physical disabilities should not go through poverty alone, and should not suffer from this. They are already suffering from their disability and it is sad to hear that "Canadians with disabilities look forward to reaching age 65 because income support for seniors is better" (CCD, Disability in Canada Means Living In Poverty, Sept. 15, 2008).
People with physical disabilities need all the support they can get, but reading that they are in poverty makes it worse. Liberals are there to take action "providing these individuals with financial resources, independence, and self-respect (Milk 1980)" (Holbrook and Percy, pg. 202). People with physical disabilities deserve the right live a normal life and "have equal access to the goods, services and wealth of this country" (CCD, Disability in Canada Means Living in Poverty, Sept. 15, 2008). I am happy to hear that Liberals believe in equality for all individuals, "protecting and enhancing our natural rights", and especially "reducing the worst excesses of capitalism by regulation of the economy and by developing a welfare state" (Mullaly 2007, pg. 97).
- Angelene S.
Mullaly, B. (2007). The New Structural Social Work (3rd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada
CCD online:
Thomas M. Holbrook and Stephen L. Percy. Exploring Variations In Laws Providing Protections For Persons With Disabilities.
There is a large percentage of people with disabilities living in poverty and people being in a high risk of getting a disability. It's upsetting to think that so many live in poverty because they do need money to pay for medicines or equipment that they may need. I think that it's encouraging that the Liberals feel that the welfare programs should be improved to meet the needs of more people. It's opinions like these that will shape the improvements of the future for not just people with disabilities but for everyone in need as well. However, even though many people have these opinions and thoughts actions need to be taken. I hope that when it comes to issues like poverty that people, especially those who have the power and authority, don't just talk the talk but walk the walk as well.
ReplyDelete- Kristal
I agree with you. This post is shocking to me. People with physical disabilities already have a hard time, and reading that they are high in poverty is just shocking. They definitely need the assistance that can make their lives easier and less stressful. We do need to see the thoughts in action, and I do hope that they are really working on something to help these individuals with physical disabilities. They do deserve the rights.
ReplyDelete- Angelene