Sunday, November 7, 2010

Feminism, power to the people with physical disabilities

"Women have the greatest responsibility for the family, including child care and elder care" (Mullaly 2007, p. 161) This explains how women are nurturing and provide great support towards their loved ones and the individuals they care for. Feminism is a strong movement that shows the power that women have on what they believe and fight for. Feminism according to Mullaly (2007) "used the language of liberalism to demand formal equality" (p. 162) this explains that feminism believes in equal opportunities and fairness for every individual including people with physical disabilities. Women provide great emotional support and care for the deserving.

I am truly proud to have worked with female management that provided equal opportunities to people with physical disabilities, having no judgment whatsoever. It is a great feeling to know that there are a number of women from the feminist perspective that are very willing to help these people, and believe in a successful future for the people with physical disabilities. I believe that every person deserves a chance to be accepted for who they are. In this article it explains information stating that "the disability community has long argued that access to disability supports must be improved to promote participation - not only in the labour market but also in training and education, culture, recreation and the political life of the community" that being said, not only are they fighting for equality in the labour market, but also fighting for greater opportunities in different fields to provide the people with physical disabilities with a "normal" and "worry free" life with more open opportunities. It is important that we make them feel whole and that we truly care. 

Women are powerful individuals and are no different to any other. They are the great people in our society that create positive changes in our lives that move us. Although, "the belief that society's treatment of women violates their rights to liberty, equality and justice, and in addition creates a waste of women's skills and abilities" Williams (1989 p. 44-5). Women need to be more appreciated rather than looked down upon for their great intelligence, support and positivity that they provide. We need this kind of support from these women, especially the people with physical disabilities. 

According to Mullaly (2007) "the liberal feminist remedy for gender inequality is to reform (not transform) social and political institutions." (p. 162) I support this perspective. I believe that reforming rather than transforming will allow them to add more to what has already been started for example, emphasizing more on creating programs for employment opportunities for the people with physical disabilities and providing more assistance and easy accessibility. They are not changing any opportunities for people with disabilities but are rather trying to emphasize and give better to what is already available for them.

Jenny Morris' article, "A Feminist Perspective" Framed: Interrogating Disability in the Media "describes images of disability in the media as "a metaphor" for the message that the non-disabled writer wishes to get across" in this article. I find it hard that society describe people with physical disabilities using the "like" or "as" perspective. We are all whole and no different from any other, we all deserve respect. The feminist perspective is fighting for the right for equality for the deserving people, just as they fought for women's rights in the 1970s to voice their opinion and have the opportunity to be free. 

- Angelene S.


Mullaly, B. (2007). The New Structural Social Work (3rd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada.

Enabling daily living: supports for Canadians with disabilities. Social Policy. Home Page. Nov. 7, 2010

Common Portrayals of Persons with Disabilities. "They're all the same". Media Awareness Network. Nov. 7, 2010


  1. You mentioned that women are powerful individuals and no different than any other. While I agree with you that women are powerful, I feel that women are different. Women have different body shapes, different social roles (which is probably why women are more nurturing), and though we don't like to admit it all the time, women do have different abilities. While I wouldn't say that the stereotype that all women suck at sports or women aren't as good at math as boys is necessarily true, women generally are not as physically strong or as tall or as likely to do construction work. On the other hand, women have a higher pain tolerance. The point I'm trying to make is that women are not the same as men, but they are equal in what they can present and do for society.

    - Megan Rempel

  2. Feminists fight hard for the equality of women's rights as you mentioned above, and to see that they are fighting hard to get physically disabled people recognized it awesome to hear.

    Women are very empowering and to come as far as they have with having male and females as equals, I have great courage in them to do the same for people with physical disabilities. It can be very upsetting for a person who has a physical disability and is also female. It is extremely important to make sure that person still can have their voice heard and to feel a part of today’s society.

    You also made a comment about how women need to stop being looked down upon, I agree completely. Females have struggled for many years on stereotypes, or the image that a woman would not be able to live a good life without the help of a man being there. Woman are very strong, smart and caring, and the feminist perspective makes it their goal to stress this.

    -Jessica VL

  3. It is true. Women fight hard for what they believe in and are very powerful individuals who can work just as hard as men can. We are all equal and no women or physically disabled person should be treated any different from any other. I am glad that feminism has that type of perspective and I support it 100%. This article is very important to met because it points out all the positive effects that feminism had over the world.

    - Angelene S
